Meet Afimia Fidelis , Techclout Africa’s Techstar of the Month (August 2024 Edition)


In this edition of the Techclout Africa Techstar series, we had an insightful conversation with Afimia Fidelis Izebiafe, a talented Frontend Developer and Product Designer based in Abuja, Nigeria.

During this interview, Afimia shared valuable insights into his journey in the tech industry, offering wisdom and inspiration for aspiring tech professionals. We’re confident you’ll gain a lot from his experiences and advice.

Let’s meet Fidelis, our newest Techclout Africa Techstar!


1. Let’s meet you. ( Your name, What you do and Where you are from)

My name is Afimia Fidelis Izebiafe, I am a frontend developer from Nigeria

2. Can you share a bit about your background and what initially drew you to
the development space?

I’ve always had a deep love for computers, which is what initially drew me to the
development space. My journey began with graphic design, where I honed my
skills in visual aesthetics and creativity. This experience naturally led me to
UI/UX design, where I focused on creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.
Currently, I’m working in frontend design, where I combine my background in
design with technical skills to build responsive and visually appealing web
interfaces. This progression from graphic design to UI/UX and now frontend
development has been driven by my passion for creating beautiful and functional
digital experiences.

3. Who or what has been your biggest influence in the field of development?

The biggest influence in my journey into the field of development has been my
early passion for computers. This passion sparked my initial interest in graphic
design, where I began to understand the power of visual communication. As I
transitioned into UI/UX design, my focus shifted to creating user-centered
experiences, which was heavily influenced by the need to blend aesthetics with
In terms of people, mentors and industry leaders who emphasize the importance
of intuitive design and user experience have played a significant role in shaping
my approach. Additionally, the tools I’ve worked with, like design software and
frameworks for frontend development, have influenced my growth and
understanding of how to build effective digital interfaces.

4. How would you describe your development philosophy or approach?

My development philosophy revolves around the seamless integration of
aesthetics, functionality, and user experience. Coming from a graphic design
background, I’ve always placed a high value on visual appeal, ensuring that
everything I create is not only functional but also visually engaging.
As I transitioned into UI/UX design, I became more focused on the user,
prioritizing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. For me, a successful design is
one that meets the user’s needs seamlessly, without sacrificing beauty or
Now, as a frontend designer, my approach is to bring these designs to life with
clean, responsive, and efficient code. I believe in creating digital experiences that
are not only visually stunning but also accessible and enjoyable for users. My
goal is always to balance creativity with technical proficiency, keeping the end
user at the heart of everything I do.

Afimia Fidelis Izebiafe
Afimia Fidelis Izebiafe,
Frontend Developer & Product Designer;
Location: Abuja, Nigeria 🇳🇬

5. What principles do you prioritize when working on a new project?

When working on a new project, I prioritize a few key principles:

User-Centric Design: My top priority is always the user. I focus on creating
intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that make it easy for users to achieve their
goals. Understanding the user’s needs and behaviors guides my design and
development decisions.

Visual Aesthetics: Coming from a graphic design background, I place a strong
emphasis on visual appeal. I believe that a project should not only function well
but also look polished and engaging. Attention to detail in design is crucial for
creating a positive user experience. You

Responsiveness: Ensuring that the design is responsive across all devices is
essential. I make sure that my projects look and work seamlessly on everything
from desktops to mobile devices, providing a consistent experience for all users.

Clean and Efficient Code: I prioritize writing clean, maintainable code that
adheres to best practices. This not only makes the project easier to manage but
also improves performance and scalability.

Collaboration and Communication: I believe that effective collaboration with
team members and clear communication with stakeholders are key to the success
of any project. Keeping everyone aligned and informed helps ensure that the
project meets its goals and deadlines.

These principles guide me in delivering projects that are both functional and
visually compelling while meeting the needs of users and stakeholders alike.

6. What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your career, and
how did you overcome them?

Some of the biggest challenges I’ve faced in my career have been related to
transitioning between different roles and constantly evolving my skill set.

1. Shifting from Graphic Design to UI/UX: One of the early challenges was
moving from graphic design to UI/UX design. While I had a strong foundation in
visual aesthetics, understanding user experience required a different mindset. I
had to learn how to think from the user’s perspective, which was a shift from
focusing purely on visuals. I overcame this by diving deep into UX principles,
studying user behaviors, and continuously seeking feedback to improve my

2. Keeping Up with Rapidly Changing Technologies: In the frontend
development space, technologies and frameworks are constantly evolving.
Staying up-to-date with the latest tools, libraries, and best practices has been
challenging. To overcome this, I made continuous learning a part of my routine,
whether through online courses, tutorials, or hands-on projects. I also leaned on
communities and mentors to help navigate new concepts and stay current.

3. Balancing Design and Functionality: As a frontend designer, striking the
right balance between aesthetics and functionality can be challenging. There were
times when I had to compromise on certain design elements to ensure better
performance or user experience. I overcame this by embracing the iterative design
process—prototyping, testing, and refining until the right balance was achieved.

4. Managing Complex Projects: Working on complex projects with tight
deadlines has been another challenge. Ensuring that every aspect of the project
meets high standards while staying on schedule requires effective time
management and prioritization. I overcame this by breaking down projects into
smaller, manageable tasks, setting clear milestones, and using project
management tools to stay organized and on track.
Each of these challenges has been a learning experience, helping me grow as a
developer and designer. By staying adaptable, continuously learning, and seeking
feedback, I’ve been able to overcome these obstacles and advance in my career.

7. What current dev-language are you excited about or think are overrated?

Currently, I’m excited about TypeScript. Its strong typing system helps catch
errors early in the development process and improves code readability and
maintainability. As a frontend developer, TypeScript enhances my workflow by
providing better tooling and a more robust structure for complex applications.
On the other hand, I find PHP to be somewhat overrated in today’s development
landscape. While it’s a powerful language and widely used, modern alternatives
like JavaScript frameworks (e.g., Node.js) or newer languages offer more
versatility and can often provide better performance and scalability. The rise of
these newer technologies has led me to focus more on them, as they align better
with current development practices and demands.

8. Which tools or software do you find indispensable in your workflow, and

In my workflow, there are several tools and software that I find indispensable:

1. Visual Studio Code: This is my primary code editor. Its extensive range of
extensions, built-in Git support, and customizable features make it a powerful
tool for frontend development. The integrated terminal and debugging
capabilities streamline my coding process and enhance productivity.

2. Figma: For UI/UX design, Figma is essential. It allows me to create and
collaborate on designs in real-time, which is invaluable for maintaining a smooth
workflow with team members. Its vector graphics capabilities and prototyping
features enable me to design and test user interfaces effectively.

3. Bootstrap: I rely on Bootstrap for implementing responsive designs quickly
and efficiently. Its grid system and pre-designed components help me maintain
consistency and speed up the development process, ensuring that my designs
work well across various devices.

4. GitHub: For version control and collaboration, GitHub is crucial. It helps me
manage code changes, collaborate with other developers, and maintain a clear
history of project development. Its integration with other tools and services also
enhances my workflow.

5. Chrome DevTools: This set of web development tools in Google Chrome is
essential for debugging and optimizing my web applications. It provides detailed
insights into performance, layout, and network activity, allowing me to fine-tune
my projects and resolve issues efficiently.

These tools are central to my development process, helping me create highquality, responsive designs and manage projects effectively.

9. Can you walk us through a project that you’re particularly proud of and
explain why it stands out for you?

One project I’m particularly proud of is the Wephco official website, which I
developed for a real estate company.
This project stands out for me because it
was one of the early projects I worked on as a developer, and it presented
significant challenges, particularly with responsiveness.

At the time, I was still building my skills in frontend development, and ensuring
that the website looked and functioned well across various devices was a major
hurdle. I struggled with achieving the desired responsiveness, and it felt like a
complex problem to solve.
Fortunately, I had the support of a mentor who guided me through the process.
They showed me how to effectively use responsive design techniques and tools,
which made a huge difference. This experience was incredibly valuable not only
because I was able to overcome the challenge but also because I learned a lot
about responsive design principles and best practices.

The project stands out because it marked a significant growth moment in my
career. It was a testament to the power of mentorship and the importance of
perseverance in tackling difficult problems. Seeing the final website successfully
adapt to different screen sizes and deliver a seamless user experience was a
rewarding achievement that boosted my confidence and skills as a developer.

10.What advice would you give to aspiring developers?

To aspiring developers, I’d offer the following advice:

1. Never Stop Learning: The tech industry evolves rapidly, and continuous
learning is crucial. Stay curious and keep up with new technologies, frameworks,
and best practices. Take advantage of online courses, tutorials, and coding
challenges to expand your knowledge and skills.

2. Build Real Projects: Practical experience is invaluable. Work on real projects,
whether they’re personal, freelance, or open-source. This hands-on experience
helps you apply what you’ve learned, solve real-world problems, and build a
portfolio that showcases your abilities.

3. Seek Feedback and Mentorship: Don’t be afraid to seek feedback on your
work and find mentors who can guide you. Constructive criticism can help you
improve your skills and understanding. A mentor can provide valuable insights,
support, and guidance as you navigate your career.

4. Focus on Problem-Solving: Development is as much about solving problems
as it is about writing code. Develop a strong problem-solving mindset and learn
how to break down complex issues into manageable parts. This approach will
help you tackle challenges more effectively.

5. Be Patient and Persistent: Success in development takes time and effort.
Don’t get discouraged by setbacks or challenges. Persistence is key. Keep
working on your skills, and over time, you’ll see significant progress.

6. Stay Passionate and Have Fun: The best developers are those who genuinely
enjoy what they do. Keep your passion for technology alive, and remember to
have fun with your projects. This enthusiasm will keep you motivated and help
you overcome obstacles along the way.

By following these principles, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a
successful developer.

11. How do you often meet the needs of your product designers without
“conflict” ?

To meet the needs of product designers without conflict, I focus on fostering clear
communication and collaboration throughout the development process. Here’s
how I approach it:

1. Open Communication: I make sure to maintain open lines of communication
with the design team from the beginning. We discuss the project requirements,
design goals, and any potential constraints. By understanding their vision and
needs, I can align my development work accordingly.

2. Collaborative Planning: I involve designers early in the planning and
development phases. This collaborative approach helps in setting realistic
expectations and ensuring that design and development goals are aligned. It also
allows for early identification of any potential issues or adjustments needed.

3. Regular Check-Ins: I schedule regular meetings or check-ins with the design
team to review progress and gather feedback. This ensures that any design-related
concerns or changes can be addressed promptly, minimizing the risk of
misalignment or conflict.

4. Empathy and Flexibility: I approach design challenges with empathy and
flexibility. I understand that design decisions are often driven by user experience
goals and aesthetics, and I strive to find technical solutions that respect those
objectives. If any constraints arise, I work with designers to find creative
compromises that satisfy both design and development needs.

5. Documenting Requirements: I make it a point to document design
requirements and specifications clearly. This documentation serves as a reference
throughout the development process and helps prevent misunderstandings or
misinterpretations of the design intentions.

6. Feedback and Iteration: I embrace an iterative approach to development. By
providing opportunities for designers to review and provide feedback on the
implementation, I can make necessary adjustments and ensure that the final
product aligns with their vision.

By following these practices, I aim to create a collaborative and harmonious
working relationship with product designers, ensuring that both design and
development goals are met effectively.

12. What’s your experience like when debugging?

When debugging, my experience is a mix of challenge and satisfaction. Here’s
how I typically approach it:

1. Systematic Approach: I start by systematically isolating the issue. I break
down the problem into smaller parts to identify where things might be going
wrong. This methodical approach helps in pinpointing the root cause more

2. Utilizing Tools: I rely on debugging tools and features available in my
development environment. For instance, using Chrome DevTools for frontend
issues helps me inspect elements, monitor network requests, and check for
JavaScript errors. These tools provide valuable insights and make the debugging
process more efficient.

3. Reading Error Messages: I carefully read and analyze error messages and
logs. They often contain important clues about what’s going wrong and where.
Understanding these messages helps in narrowing down the problem and finding
a solution.

4. Testing and Reproducing: I test different scenarios to reproduce the issue
consistently. This helps in understanding the conditions under which the problem
occurs and verifies whether the fix resolves the issue.

5. Seeking Help When Needed: If I’m stuck, I don’t hesitate to seek help from
colleagues or online communities. Sometimes, a fresh perspective or an extra set
of eyes can make a big difference in solving a tricky problem.

6. Learning from Experience: Every debugging session is a learning
opportunity. I take notes on what worked and what didn’t, which helps me handle
similar issues more effectively in the future.

While debugging can be challenging, it’s also rewarding. Successfully resolving
an issue provides a sense of accomplishment and deepens my understanding of
the code and the system.

13 .What are your social media handles




14. Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?

I’d like you to know that my passion for technology extends beyond just coding
and design. I genuinely enjoy exploring new tools, frameworks, and
methodologies, and I’m always excited to take on new challenges that push me to
grow as a developer.

Additionally, I believe in the importance of continuous learning and professional
development. Whether it’s through online courses, attending conferences, or
participating in tech communities, I’m committed to staying updated with
industry trends and enhancing my skills.

Outside of work, I have a strong interest in movies, music, and lifestyle topics.
These interests often provide me with a fresh perspective and inspire creativity in
my professional work.

Overall, my approach to development is driven by a blend of curiosity, passion,
and a commitment to delivering high-quality, user-centered solutions. I’m always
eager to collaborate, learn, and contribute to exciting projects.

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